The mobile home is this pied-à-terre by the sea, in the mountains or in the countryside, where you stay with family or friends when you need to go green and breathe a breath of fresh air. fresh air ; it’s this second home that you sometimes lend to loved ones; it is this accommodation that you rent out during your absence…
The mobile home, as a second home and as a rental investment, is an option accessible to many French people. You still have to choose the right model – new or used in particular – but also the appropriate financing – on credit or mixed?

Mixed financing

Mixed financing means credit with contribution. The solution is interesting in the eyes of many buyers, in particular rental investors, who have savings aside. It is all the more attractive because the process of obtaining it is much simpler compared to that which must be carried out for a traditional real estate loan.
Remember that a new mobile home costs on average between €22,000 and €45,000 (excluding equipment and sanitary facilities). To become the owner of a second-hand mobile home, you need to spend on average between €7,000 and €15,000 (excluding equipment).
To finance the purchase of your home, you have the choice of several options. Among which we find in particular consumer credit or leisure credit – by taking out a loan of €14,990 for example, you can afford a comfortable mobile home capable of accommodating a family of four or six people.
However, if you plan to buy a more luxurious model, we recommend that you take out a personal loan for an amount of up to €40,000.

Buy a mobile home on credit

Taking out a loan is practically essential for purchasing a mobile home. Whether you are interested in a new or used model, whether you opt for a loan with or without a deposit, it is important that you take the time to calculate and simulate the monthly payments that you will have to pay.
Several online platforms compare the different credit offers and allow you to carry out simulations, which will enlighten you on the solutions most in line with the financial situation of your household.
The amount of the monthly payment starts at €220 for a new mobile home. But the price, as you can imagine, varies considerably depending on the specifics of the models (location, living space, presence or not of furniture, presence or not of equipment, layout and number of rooms, general condition of the accommodation, etc.)
If, on the other hand, you plan to buy a second-hand mobile home, you can get a good deal by taking out a 4-year loan (with a monthly payment starting at €90).

Costs to take into account

In addition to the purchase price, you must also take into account various charges, in particular those linked to transport – around €5 per kilometer – and the installation of the mobile home in the campsite or residential leisure park of your choice – for the installation, stability and connection of the mobile home, you have to pay between €500 and €2,000. If, on the other hand, you plan to buy accommodation directly on site, you will make significant savings, a solution that a certain number of establishments offer.
Among the expenses to be expected are also those linked to the use of the mobile home, in particular maintenance and security costs, as well as taxes (property tax, tourist tax) and insurance.

Amortization of monthly payments

The amount of monthly payments and charges and taxes should not discourage you. Remember that you always have the possibility of amortizing these expenses, in particular by renting the mobile home during the many months when you are not there. Rental income also allows you to amortize the rental price of the plot.
To make the investment profitable, we recommend the status of “non-professional furnished rental company”. You will have the choice between two tax regimes:

  • The micro-BIC scheme (industrial and commercial benefits) through which you would benefit from an automatic 50% reduction on the purchase price of the home;
  • The simplified real regime which gives you the right to a VAT refund and which allows you to deduct all your annual charges from the tax base.
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