If there is one major point in common between the purchased mobile home and other types of housing, it is the need to have proper home insurance. The contract must offer at least one “civil liability” guarantee. But to properly protect your second home, especially if you plan to rent it out, it is recommended to take out insurance with the broadest possible coverage (fire, theft, natural and technological disasters, etc.).

What is the best insurance contract for a mobile home?

To insure the mobile home, do the same as for the car or health: take the time to do online simulations to compare the offers likely to match your needs and your budget.
Among these offers, we find in particular the similar contract. With this formula, the mobile home benefits from the same multi-risk contract as an average home.
There is also the contract specific to the mobile home. The contract clauses are adapted to your needs and the particularities of the mobile home. The insurer will naturally also take into account the number and level of risks to be covered.

What guarantees affect the price of mobile home insurance?

Carrying out one or more simulations allows you to have a precise idea of the best guarantees for insuring your mobile home. Most of the time, insurers offer guarantees similar to those provided for traditional homes.
Many contracts cover risks such as fires or explosions, but also theft, broken glass, natural and technological disasters, water damage, etc.
There are even more extensive formulas in terms of guarantees, offering broad coverage including emergency repairs in the event of a water leak, electrical damage, vandalism, outdoor installations such as swimming pools, leisure equipment or even breakdowns of household appliances or IT equipment…
Important reminder: read each clause carefully, especially the fine print notes.

The cost of mobile home insurance

Several criteria are taken into account to determine the price of mobile home insurance:
The cost of insurance obviously depends on the guarantees you need. Added to this are a certain number of specific criteria for mobile homes.
The size of the mobile home as well as its living space come into play. The same applies to its condition (new or used) and its location – the price of insurance is not the same depending, for example, on whether the accommodation is located in a campsite or a residential leisure park, or even depending on whether the campsite or PRL in question is located near an urban center or in a popular seaside town.
The use of the mobile home also comes into play. The price of insurance varies depending on whether you use it as your primary residence or as a secondary residence; the insurer will also take into account whether you rent it out or not during your absence.

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