Brittany is well known for its breathtaking natural landscapes, for its architecture which oscillates between Romanesque and Gothic style, for its culture rich in history, but above all for its picturesque villages with their unique and remarkable charm.

If you are on vacation in South Finistère, more precisely at the Nature & Résidence Loisirs Le Kervastard campsite, we have selected 4 of the most interesting charming villages to visit in Brittany and which are only a few kilometers from your accommodation. Discover them!


A 25-minute drive from Le Kervastard campsite, Melgven is a small, quiet and authentic village located between Concarneau and Rosporden, in the heart of Cornwall. Dating from Antiquity, it is the meeting point of several rivers: the Aven, the Moros and the Styval, which naturally shaped the green valleys surrounding it. In 2018, there were nearly 3,396 inhabitants.

Melgven has several chapels in the Gothic style, as well as residences with granite walls and slate or thatched roofs. But, to enjoy your family stroll even more, the village also has a treetop adventure park, Adrénature, built in the middle of the forest over an area of 10 hectares. Several courses, workshops and activities are planned there to have plenty of fun.


30 minutes by car from the 3-star campsite Le Kervastrad, Elliant is a small town between Rosporden and Quimper, which combines charm, authenticity and modernity. Existing since Antiquity, it is today the beating heart of the Melenig tradition in Brittany. There we also find the traditional male costume decorated with golden embroidery typically Mélénig, but also the Melenig cider, one of the most famous in France and the only one to have the Cornouaille AOP.

Elliant is loaded with culture, architectural heritage and wilderness. But it also has a leisure park, Odet Loisirs, at a place called Moustoir, which appeals to both children and adults with its many attractions.

Aven bridge

35 minutes by car from the Le Kervastard campsite, Pont-Aven is a small charming village located not far from Concarneau, in the heart of South Finistère, which has built a solid reputation in Brittany.

First of all, called the city of painters, Pont-Aven has always been popular, so much so that painters from all over France came rushing to its doors to paint its houses, its forest and even its most emblematic monuments. Gauguin is the greatest witness to this. Today, many contemporary art galleries are present in the city center.

Pont-Aven is also known for its large concentration of mills. There were 14 of them, but only a few still remain in good condition. They have been transformed into shops or restaurants. During a walk in the Bois d’Amour or while traveling the Xavier Grall route, you can see them or at least their remains, just like the almost wild nature on the banks of the Aven.

Saint Yvi

Saint Yvi is a nice little town very close to Quimper, 24 minutes by car from the Nature & Résidence Loisirs Le Kervastard campsite. In addition to the numerous hikes possible throughout the Jet valley, this small village offers a remarkable viewpoint at a place called “Là-Haut” which allows breathtaking views over the entire coast, from Trévignon to Quimper. .

A walk in Saint Yvi allows not only to appreciate the nature of Brittany, but also to discover its architectural heritage through certain buildings classified as Historic Monuments such as the Notre-Dame-de-la-Source chapel.

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